Episode 142: The End or At Least The Beginning of the End. It has been many months since ImaNewbie has last set eyes on his precious Irma. As a matter of fact, I think the last time Irma was even mentioned in a 'toon was way back at episode #132. But that is all about to change. As this episode opens ImaNewbie is in the tavern chatting with ImaDufus and it seems our hero is indeed missing his soul mate Irma. Oh, and btw, if you don't know who Irma is then I would strongly suggest you nip back and read all the toons, because without the history of ImaNewbie and Irma which began back in about toon #33, then you won't have a clue about why and where this series is going.

To Be Continued...

What's this? A secret scroll from Irma? Whatever could it contain? Stay 'tooned as the plot unfolds...