Episode 124: Player Rewards. For those of you who have been reading the boards you must have heard all about the Rewards Program for Veteran Players that is currently being tested. Well, I went to the Test Rewards shard they have set up and got the message "Can not determine this accounts age". That got me thinking about what it would be like if ImaNewbie got that message and this 'toon is the result. As this episode opens, ImaNewbie has just logged on to find out what great rewards he is going to get for his long time in Britannia. As can be expected, all does not go according to plan.

A little bit later in the GM Jail Cells...

Ooops, My Bad... Pickin' on the poor GM's again. Hey! You GM guys (and gals) know I am just yankin' your chain right? I don't really mean to imply that you aren't doing a great job. Its just that wearing those red robes kinda makes you an identifiable target (just like ImaNewbie :). Anyway 'toon in again next week for more fun and frolic. Ya never know, one day I might even pick up one of those story lines I left hanging several weeks ago.